Tuesday 6 August 2013

Today's Treasures in Tiny Packages.

Hello, dears! How have things been? I know that I'm not always punctual as I should be and I reeeaaalllyyy apologize. It's other commitments vying for my attention.

I don't know about you. I don't know from which perspective you see things and situations but I like to look at them from every way; through different spyglasses.

So I was pondering today (as I seem to do all the time! :) )
and then I thought about kids and this led me to thinking about trust. Trust from a child's perspective.
I'd like to ask you from which perspective you'd view this particular situation:

You are at a friend's house or somewhere. There are kids playing around and all of a sudden, you feel your legs wrapped in a mini-vise and as you look down, you see this big, trusting eyes staring up at you like you  hold the moon in your palm.Then the child smiles at you so widely, you can see all of her five milk teeth. And she doesn't even know you from Adam.
So much trust in such a little package...

All that cutie knows is that she saw a potential friend in you!

Then the grand moment comes: Because you took the time to smile back at her, her whole face lights up and she gives you the great privilege - She raises her arms up, signalling for you to carry her in your arms.

I look at it from a very different perspective because it's like, in her innocence, all she needed to be sure that you were a good person was for you to return her smile. So because you did, she gave you the greatest privilege that I believe any child can ever give to anyone, raise her arms for you to carry her. At that point, she knows that because you are a good, bigger and sure-looking person, you won't drop her on the floor callously.
She's trusting you with her person. He's trusting you with himself. S/he looks at you and says:
"Hmm, I like this adult face. Let me see if they are as nice as they seem", so they smile at you. That, my dear friend, is the deciding point.

Now, does this seem like gibberish to you?

As for me, in that moment of 'raised arms', I feel like I won a mini-lottery, especially when s/he is a child that I've been eyeing for a while because of her fat cheeks (I love kids with fat, chubby cheeks!). At the same time, there's this tiny burden of responsibility on my shoulders. I'm like, "This kid came to you on his/her own, Ebun. You picked her up willingly and she's trusting you not to drop her. You mustn't!"

I don't know what the message in this write-up is, however, I'm focusing on little kids. You may chalk it up to the #ChildNotBride fever around. I chalk it up to my love for 'em little tots and how I hate to see this innocents get the tiniest taint by some wicked adults.

When they look at you so trustingly, they have no guile in them. All they can think, in baby-speak, is that you have them in your arms. You will be careful in handling them. You won't let them drop.

Why then will anyone conceive in his heart before a roomful of lawmakers that they want to b-b-b-bed innocence and spoil it?!

This is not just for #ChildNotBride. This is for every child abuser out there. This is for every child trafficker out there.
In that moment of hurt to these ones, you have done the near-unforgivable. You have destroyed guileless, whole trust.

Treasure the kids, please. They are the true innocence that GOD loves, and they won't always be like that.
Their presence anywhere adds life to that place. They don't think about the worries of tomorrow. They know only about today; the present.

As far as they know, tomorrow doesn't exist until it becomes today. The significant things for us adults are insignificant to them; worry, money, clothes.
And the insignificant things are significant to them; a little bird flying free, a butterfly sucking nectar, a beautiful rose plant.

You tell a terminally ill child that s/he is going to die and s/he smiles and says they are going to be in 'Happy Place". Death doesn't seem so scary to them.

The time is coming (adulthood) when they will think of tomorrow and worry.

I say, Let them be kids while they can.

I say treasure these gifts while they look like gifts...small and adorable; and then maybe they'll actually blossom to become great blessings.

Great Love to y'all!

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