Wednesday 26 June 2013


So her Mama told her to go to the grocery store for some fresh veggies – Spinach – to be exact.
On her way to the store, she happened on a movie shoot but she didn’t halt her footsteps, just kept going, not wanting to dally. But just as she made to cross the road to give way to people passing, she heard a name pass through somebody’s lips…the name of her all time movie idol crush!
She halted in her tracks and slowed her steps. However, when she heard someone yell that same name, she couldn’t resist. She just had to be sure…so she turned her head towards the place where the crew was gathered and her eyes zoomed in on the face she never thought in her wildest fantasies she would see, much less in her little nondescript western county hometown.
Her eyes bugged…big time; until she was pretty sure they had become identical to her Mama’s biggest saucers; and before she knew what she was doing, her feet found themselves, involuntarily, heading towards the place where the crew were gathered, working hastily as if they had a deadline to meet. 
She pushed her way through the now thickening crowd of spectators and made it to the front, at the railings which must have been placed there by the crew security to prevent fanatics like her from shoving their pens in the actors’ faces, pleading for autographs.
She must be dreaming or something…it seemed beyond real. She stared at her crush until her eyes nearly blurred, blinked and kept on staring. By now, people were already yelling and pushing so hard against the railings, it was a miracle it didn’t tip over.
When she saw her movie star idol, she went…
She didn’t even breathe, she just stared.  Some minutes later, when there was a pause in the shoot, her crush – heaven bless him – turned around and acknowledged the crowd with a nice and wide grin, causing them to nearly have a fit with how they were yelling at the very top of their excited lungs.
Then she seemed to wake up out of her trance when he waved at them.
Scratch that, he waved at her…it was her he was definitely waving at!
By now, some ladies, both young and old – the old ladies were not about to be outdone! – were already yanking their tops up and stretching their arms out for autographs, begging for kisses anywhere he cared to place them.
Awww…don lemme die ‘ere, megastar. Take pity on an ol’ lady!
Swie boy, gimme a kiss!
Ah bein’ dyin’ for ya for as long as ah kin remember baby, come on over ‘ere!
All manners of catcalls were being yelled at the icon.
Before she knew it, she too was screaming; joining in the uproar, 
Oh sweetie, don leave me like this…take mercy on a country gal an’ come over ‘ere, man! she yelled
She stretched her arms until she fairly upended herself over the railing, only avoiding a broken neck because of a person behind her who happened to be latching on to her tank top.
She then pouted her lips, kiss-fashion and beckoned daringly to her fantasy to come on over. And though she had made the gesture, she didn’t for once imagine that he would even look her way again. It was for this reason that she became utterly shell-shocked when he proceeded to saunter arrogantly towards the railings…no, scratch that again – towards her. 
He was coming towards her!
It was a surprise she hadn’t swooned yet.


Then he stopped in front of her and smiled down into her face; that famous megawatt lopsided grin that the cameras were quite familiar with!
He stopped in front of her and reached up and touched her cheek…her cheek!!! Oh heck…she must be a puddle on the tarred floor already, and if she wasn’t, she must be made of stronger stuff than she thought. She was never going to wash that cheek. Period.
She gripped the railings tightly and tried to get a grip on herself; gather her scattered wits.
He said something to her and she had to crane her neck to hear him better; then she broke into a smile so wide, a Cheshire cat would have been proud of her.
But that wasn’t all. The final sweet straw came when he drew her into his embrace…embrace, not hug!
She latched on like a leech and enjoyed it for a total of three seconds so that when he released her she was momentarily stunned; to say the least.
Her friends would nearly die of jealousy…wait till they hear!
When he made to move on to the next crazy fan, she pulled on his arm, 
No, Please wait a sec…autograph, pleeease!
Then she rudely yanked the marker out of the hand of the mooning elderly lady next to her and shoved it into his palm, before pulling her shirt up halfway for him to sign on her belly. If she’d told him to sign on her arm, her Mama would see it and she’d definitely get grounded…eternally.
She could only hope none of her Mama’s friends were here, else her Mama’d surely hear about it and  would give her butt such a tanning, she wouldn’t soon forget it.
She prayed fervently that the marker was permanent. That’ll be the closest she would ever come to having a tattoo with the sort of mama she had. Not that her Mama would be seeing her belly anyway. Crop tops were banned in her unconventional home.
She sighed when he finished signing and shot her a smile before leaving.
She couldn’t believe her wonderful stroke of good fortune.
The sun seemed to shine brighter than ever and she felt slightly light-headed. 
Then she turned around, albeit mournfully and fought her way out of the now-thickened crowd.
As soon as she was able to breathe in fresh gulps of air, she tried to remember where she had been headed before the wonderful, wonderful occurrence which just happened.
Then it hit her like a freight train.
Wait…Mama! The store…oh dear, and Mama was having some important guests over this evening. Her mind was as blank as…as whatever. 
She couldn’t recall what she was supposed to go get…some veggies or something…of course, she was dead. 
Nothing good ever came to her that easy! Cozying up to her old time idol crush meant sacrificing her neck on her Mama’s good ol’ choppin’ block.
A nice butt-tanning awaits you your majesty, she told herself wryly.
So what was she going to do at the store? Mope and admire the wooden shelves and moon at the shiny containers?
Someone’s in major trouble
She trudged up the hill towards the store…purposeless.

*clears throat loudly*
Errmm…sorry to jack you out of fun land…
…so that is the end of my story…don’t hate on me, ehn?
OK, I know it is nothing much but, hey! I tried, right? 
I’m a writer and we writers tend to get carried away with our stories at times. Can’t blame us. It’s in the writing gene…or maybe in our brain. Ask us for a page and you’ll get an epic novel! Editors, get to work!
The only way to remove this writers’ trait may be through a major brain surgery but I will have to beg off…I happen to like this trait too much so, NO SURGERIES PLEASE, THANKS!
Back to the point.
I wrote that short story for you just so you could get a point…the very last word in the story: Purposeless.
The whole story was meant to make you understand the main theme of this post.
Now, this is not one of my major posts, but then again, it may be the most major of them all.
Whatever you are doing, please can you drop it for a minute? Except for reading this page of course.
Pause and take a deep breath in…then out. Thanks.
Please, work with me. *Self-examination mode activated*
Now look at what you are doing … (you are reading this page) and ask yourself if it is serving you any purpose. Ask yourself if it is worth your while…ask yourself if that is what you ought to be doing at the moment. Thus far, besides enjoying yourself (which I’m sure you are *winks*), is this serving any purpose?
Your Purpose: A Useful Life!
Now, that done please look around you and survey the friends around you. Are they the people you want to be surrounded by? Are they the friends that drive you to want to become a better person or do they plain drive you to crazy distraction?
Besides the whole “Birds of a feather flock together” thingy, are they real friends who are worth your while or are they people you could as well do without since they serve no meaningful purpose?
I’m not going to say you shouldn’t have fun…after all, that is the spice of life, but then if you overdo it, you just might end up becoming a joker.
Do you constantly find yourself asking yourself why you are doing what you are doing and questioning everything? If that is the case you may need to re-strategize. Take a step back and look at your life as if it belonged to someone else and ask yourself if you are making an impact on your world.
We all are on a race track called ‘Life’ and I don’t know about you, but I am not about to rest on my oars and let life travel by without me while I just trudge forward, dragging my feet in the soil. Here’s what I intend to do: March forward with purpose, ensuring that I leave note-worthy and visible exemplary foot-prints in the sands of time.  - Subulola Jiboye

Tuesday 25 June 2013


It is important that you stand on a sure ground…a ground that is paved with positive possibilities, not the uncertainty of questions of ‘whys’ and ‘wherefores’.
We are all writers in this world…Write a wonderful story of Purpose for yourself. – Subulola Jiboye 
Ask yourself the questions that are important now so that you will be sure, prepared and well equipped when the time comes for you to make those important life-changing decisions.
The seemingly unimportant questions you ask yourself today and choose to answer appropriately are the tiny footsteps that will lead you to fulfilling purpose the way you were purposed to.
If you are not careful to fulfill the little purposes in your life such as working at the right time, sleeping, talking, eating, giving, thinking, playing and praying at the right time, how then do you expect to get to get to that point of utter, absolute and soul-lifting fulfillment?
Spontaneity and spur of the moment decisions is all good and sweet but each individual has the sole responsibility of deciding whether or not s/he wants to live his/her life not having done anything to benefit those around him/her; not having affected their world.
Face it friend, you’re not gonna live forever on this earth, and neither am I. Therefore, you need to ensure that whatever you are doing and the people you spend your time with is/are worth every second of your while.
A little survey towards a beneficial end never hurt anyone, I tell you! ♥
Check this out…a poem I wrote for the purpose of this post. It is simple, though deep.

Purpose = Beauty

You are an artist, dear
You are a writer
You are a builder
You are a traveler
You are a student

An artist draws
He creates
He modifies
He paints pictures
He creates and enhances beauty

A writer travels
Into the world of imagination
He explores places and contemplates
Also, he weaves intricately
Stories and beauty into plain useless material

A builder builds
He heightens
He toils for gain
Block by block
His work grows

A traveler soars
Into realms unchattered
Mind-wise; Flesh-wise
In imagination, he explores
And basks in beauty

A student learns
He sits to take in
He knows it’s for tomorrow
He doesn't complain ’cause he knows
That in tomorrow’s beauty, he'll surely bask

Now, are you an artist?
Are you a writer?
Are you a builder?
Are you a student?
Are you a traveler?
Or…I hate to ask,
Are you perhaps, nobody?

Dear, Your purpose is your beauty.
- Subulola Jiboye 

Monday 24 June 2013


Have you ever for once fell in love
Whether out of foolishness or innocence
To someone you wished had never left
You in the cold unannounced?

I did not set out to be a hero

 “They came alive to Bauchi state to serve the nation; but when it was time to leave, they left as dead heroes”.
This was not how I planned to end my life. Being immortalized was not part of my bargain with the creator. Hadn’t Ismail Kadare, the Albanian writer said that “in the nocturnal realm of sleep are to be found both the light and darkness of humanity, it’s honey and it’s poison, it’s greatness and vulnerability?”

7 STEPS (series)

Have you been in the market to find that special someone, but true love has consistently eluded you ? well, there are several reasons why you might not be attracting Mr / Mrs Right. 


My heart bleeds
Not of blood
But for love

Monday 17 June 2013


Stretching from east to west,
A missing link is found,
Dimorphic like yeast in a lab test


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