Thursday, 11 July 2013


We were looked down upon in the past; relegated to the rear; used as object of sexual gratification; we were mutilated; scourged; called second class citizens; we were bought and that was called marriage?! We had no voice of our own; not counted as relevant when born. This is how we lived through the generations until a voice said ENOUGH! Another voice joined that tiny little voice, and yet another, and another and another until we could be heard
Today women are all over the place doing exploits.  We work, care for the family, raise our children, love our men, and contribute immensely to growth and development all around the world.
We hold the world in our hands. We wield a unique power- INFLUENCE. We yearn to be loved, we are tender and at the same time strong; we cry to relieve tension- this is not a weakness as some people perceive; it’s rather a strength for us. Don’t forget, we laugh- and we are beautiful when we do. We love to be heard. We love it when we are pampered, good words cheer us on. We have a beautiful spirit. We make the World go on.
Periods are not funny; childbirth is no joke, but we hold it all together. We might appear physically less strong than men, but we have a large heart, a strong mind and a strong spirit. We are unbreakable, we are unstoppable, and we make the World go on!
We are women!
We are pillars!
We rock!!!
I am proud to be a woman.

1 comment:

  1. We are women!
    We are pillars!
    We rock!!!
    I am proud to be a woman.

    thanks Teewhy..u r indeed a blessing to womanhood..write more!!!

    am glad am a woman!!



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