Tuesday, 25 June 2013


It is important that you stand on a sure ground…a ground that is paved with positive possibilities, not the uncertainty of questions of ‘whys’ and ‘wherefores’.
We are all writers in this world…Write a wonderful story of Purpose for yourself. – Subulola Jiboye 
Ask yourself the questions that are important now so that you will be sure, prepared and well equipped when the time comes for you to make those important life-changing decisions.
The seemingly unimportant questions you ask yourself today and choose to answer appropriately are the tiny footsteps that will lead you to fulfilling purpose the way you were purposed to.
If you are not careful to fulfill the little purposes in your life such as working at the right time, sleeping, talking, eating, giving, thinking, playing and praying at the right time, how then do you expect to get to get to that point of utter, absolute and soul-lifting fulfillment?
Spontaneity and spur of the moment decisions is all good and sweet but each individual has the sole responsibility of deciding whether or not s/he wants to live his/her life not having done anything to benefit those around him/her; not having affected their world.
Face it friend, you’re not gonna live forever on this earth, and neither am I. Therefore, you need to ensure that whatever you are doing and the people you spend your time with is/are worth every second of your while.
A little survey towards a beneficial end never hurt anyone, I tell you! ♥
Check this out…a poem I wrote for the purpose of this post. It is simple, though deep.

Purpose = Beauty

You are an artist, dear
You are a writer
You are a builder
You are a traveler
You are a student

An artist draws
He creates
He modifies
He paints pictures
He creates and enhances beauty

A writer travels
Into the world of imagination
He explores places and contemplates
Also, he weaves intricately
Stories and beauty into plain useless material

A builder builds
He heightens
He toils for gain
Block by block
His work grows

A traveler soars
Into realms unchattered
Mind-wise; Flesh-wise
In imagination, he explores
And basks in beauty

A student learns
He sits to take in
He knows it’s for tomorrow
He doesn't complain ’cause he knows
That in tomorrow’s beauty, he'll surely bask

Now, are you an artist?
Are you a writer?
Are you a builder?
Are you a student?
Are you a traveler?
Or…I hate to ask,
Are you perhaps, nobody?

Dear, Your purpose is your beauty.
- Subulola Jiboye 

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